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Mrs Ruth
People of God Praise the lord brothers and sisters my name is Ruth and am from Germany, last week Sunday i was browsing through the testimony of people here and i read a lady from USA was sent the morning water from South Africa by website ( and that it was send through GHL , I contacted him too and she told me how i will go about it that i will only have to pay 210$ to the DHL AGENT directly before 7 bottles of morning water ,books, stickers,bracelets, and video cassettes will be sent to me which i did and send my full name, address and phone number and behold in the next 3 days i saw some one knocking at my door and it was the DHL agent i received everything a ordered from the man of God pastor Aron, i want to use this medium to thank mr Aron favour for allowing God to use him for me and great thanks to our spiritual father chief taitai i have started seeing changes in my life since i started using the morning water hallelujah.. i got my job back and i was also promoted, my husband is now back and first born was called for a better job today , we atleast have a better and happy family real thanks ..
sister Ruth from Germany
